
unless they are suffering from some other illness

No one sets out to become anorexic and to purposely harm their bodies. Anorexia is a disease in which people perceive themselves as being fat long after they have become dangerously thin. A person with anorexia will limit how much they eat. Some people will go days without eating much more than crackers. Extreme and excessive exercise is typically part of an average day for someone who is anorexic.

If an individual reaches a body weight that is at least 15% lower than a healthy weight for their age and height, they probably suffer from anorexia (unless they are suffering from some other illness). An anorexic will do almost anything to keep losing weight. Aside from exercising too much and eating too little,christian louboutin pumps for sale, most anorexics will use laxatives or even take other diet pills. It is common for someone afflicted with anorexia to purge out what little they do eat.

Family and friends will start to notice some troubling behavior if someone they love has anorexia. They might realize that they have not seen their loved one eat for days. A friend or family member will notice the person with anorexia always seems to be exercising and to an extreme that even the most diehard fitness gurus would not attempt.

Someone who has anorexia might excuse themselves from any situation in which they would be eating in front of others. If they do eat around other people, they will probably only have a bite or two of low calories foods on their plate. They might appear to enjoy cooking and baking for others while always having an excuse not to enjoy their own cooking.

Someone who is an anorexic is terrified that they are fat or will become fat. As they whither away in front of those who love them, the anorexic will still view themselves as being overweight. Even when serious health concerns arise from not eating and over exercising, an individual suffering from anorexia will keep trying to lose weight.

There are serious health risks for anyone who is anorexic. They need to have a loved one intervene in an attempt to get medical treatment for their friend’s condition. Anorexia cannot be ignored. Someone with anorexia can develop dysfunction in any of their organs from lack of nutrients. They will often have trouble breathing and exhibit shortness of breath. They will probably appear very frail and weak. An anorexic might be prone to fainting. A female who has anorexia will probably cease menstruating as their weight decreases. Bone disease is another common long term affect for someone with anorexia.

Someone with anorexia will need to receive medical treatment first. If they are severely underweight,Cover your skin as much as possible with protective clothing like long sleeves, they might need a feeding tube to ensure they receive the necessary nutrients. A hospital or treatment center for eating disorders can work to help save the person’s life. Someone who is anorexic will resent this weight gain. People with anorexia must receive psychological treatment as well if they have any hope of battling their disease.

