
\Many tourists cheered

summer, the Shanghai World Expo China Pavilion has added a number of human services initiatives. China Pavilion is surrounded by 9-meter platform ventilation queuing area, added a small theatrical performances, coupled with the new Museum Plaza, the former Yugoslavia spray cooling devices, inside and outside the new direct drinking water equipment, provided for the visitors side line , side enjoy the cool air, watching the performance experience.

18 days, reporters from the Shanghai World Expo Bureau of the Department of the China Pavilion was informed that the queue for a long time the Chinese Museum, tedious process queuing phenomenon, China Pavilion 9-meter platform,he is in the hands of Li Chunjiang first gate, today officially launched a small theatrical performances, interactive experience to increase audience . In the past week after audition, the program has been well received visitors.

reporter saw platform 9 meters, Wa, Yi, Dai and features dance stage by turns, as well as instrumental music performance, \Many tourists cheered, applauded, and in this photograph and film them.

small theatrical performance that sets the theme of \According to plan, perform field day 7, from 13:30 onwards, the performance starts per hour slightest, each about 30 minutes, the performance will be refurbished every program content.

Deputy director of the China Pavilion

money, according to the wide introduction, the China Pavilion 9-meter platform has been built to complete the big screen, plans for the future play a wonderful museum devoted to interpret China Aspect of the video, which is like queue area of \browse members \In addition, a simple and beautiful description of Chinese Museum tour is also about to meet with visitors.

into the summer, the Chinese Museum of continuous introduction of human services initiatives: South Plaza, the new spray cooling device, timing for the open area of the audience queued to send cool; 9-meter platform and the museum first, second and provincial exhibition District City Hall, has been accumulated since July 8 sets of new direct drinking water equipment to facilitate the viewers thirst; provinces and municipalities in the museum added a 200 leisure bench, while the audience can rest in the tour. (Xu Xiaoqing Lin Ruxuan)

