
said at a news conference

Xinhua reported on July 26 visit to Afghanistan, the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff 席迈克尔马伦 25, said that while the United States will begin in July 2011 to transfer security responsibilities of the Argentine side, but that does not mean that the U.S. military in Afghanistan the end of action, the United States handed over security responsibilities Alfonso process will depend on the battlefield situation.

Mullen day in the Afghan capital Kabul, said at a news conference: "in July 2011, we will begin to transfer security responsibilities in Afghanistan security forces, the process, but whether the transfer of security responsibilities, and the extent to which the transfer of security responsibilities, will be completely depending on ground conditions on the battlefield. "

Mullen also said that the current discussion to the transfer of security responsibilities Alfonso is still too early, while the U.S. military action in Afghanistan will not end in July 2011. At the meeting, Mullen reiterated the U.S. determination to continue the war in Afghanistan. He said the U.S. remains committed to "disturb, disrupt and defeat" the Taliban, Al Qaeda and its terrorist allies, to prevent Afghanistan from again becoming a hotbed of terrorism.

Mullen is 25, arrived in Afghanistan for a visit. Before the meeting, Mullen visited U.S. troops in Afghanistan, with new U.S. and NATO forces in Afghanistan, top commander Gen. David Petraeus discussed the war situation in Afghanistan.

Mullen, the current situation in Afghanistan, summed up the battlefield, the U.S. and other NATO countries forces on the battlefield in Afghanistan "has made slow but steady progress", the relative in the past, he was "more optimistic.

24 Taliban militants in eastern Afghanistan, through the battle to re-occupy the north-eastern province of Nuristan 巴格马塔尔 area. 25 Taliban claimed previously reported in south-eastern Logar province,China Network, Afghanistan "captured" two U.S. soldiers, there is one person dead and another still in Taliban control.

Barack Obama launched late last year, the new U.S. strategy in Afghanistan, 30,000 more troops to Afghanistan at the same time, plans to start in July 2011 withdrawal from Afghanistan. But recently a number of Western officials said the United States military involvement in Afghanistan will not end in 2011, even last longer.

Held in Kabul this month on the 20th international conference on Afghanistan, U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said the U.S. involvement in Afghanistan war in 2011,mbt unono sale, not the "end." NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen at the same sessions, said that even within the next few years in Afghanistan NATO forces take over security from the defense, NATO forces will not withdraw its troops from Afghanistan soon. Afghan President Hamid Karzai, 20, said he was committed to Afghanistan in 2014 to achieve security autonomy.

(This article Source: Xinhuanet author: Wang Yan)

