
Pentagon spokesman

Xinhua 23 July 22,it is becoming blatantly, Xinhua announced that the U.S. Pentagon, the U.S. military decided to resume military ties with Indonesia's special forces.

Pentagon spokesman  said: "That the troops over the past 10 years,MBT M.Walk, tremendous changes occurred." U.S. Defense Secretary Robert. Gates, now in Indonesia.

U.S. special forces in 1999 accused of human rights violations in Indonesia, announced the termination of the relationship with the Indonesian special forces. About 5,000 Indonesian special forces.

Morrel's statement in accordance with Indonesian special forces members suspected of violations of human rights very small proportion of the total number of people, "now more than 10 or there may be dozens of people still stay in the forces," the U.S. would call these people clean up Indonesia the Special Forces.

Reuters reported that the two sides to resume contacts only now, to restore the U.S. to help train the Indonesian special forces takes time. The training program in 1998 interrupted.

Some political analysts believe that the United States this practice is intended for Indonesian cooperation in combating terrorism and religious extremism.

(This article Source: Xinhua)

