
the Taliban in Afghanistan to The militants also called on other foreign troops

Beijing News reported on August 2 Dutch forces in Afghanistan on Aug. 1 withdrawal. This is the war in Afghanistan started nine years ago, the first major withdrawal of foreign troops.

12 fighter planes by the end of exit

the Dutch embassy in Afghanistan, a diplomat told AFP, the Netherlands on the 1st Talinkete resident in Uruzgan province held a small-scale conference and the Dutch and Australian soldiers down one side hanging in Talinkete resident of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization International Security Assistance Force banner,the United States since 2010, marking the Netherlands to the regional command of the troops transferred to the United States and Australia.

as planned, the Netherlands left the Dutch Foreign Minister hachen said in a statement: warfare.

Agence France-Presse quoted a Foreign Ministry official as saying the Netherlands reported that all Dutch troops will leave in September before all the rest of the military hardware and equipment will be completed before the end of withdrawal, including the four F-16 fighters, three

Dutch commander of the son killed in Afghanistan

Dutch troops in Afghanistan since 2006, the existing 1,950 soldiers, most stationed in Uruzgan province. 4 years, the Dutch government has invested 1.4 billion euros, 24 soldiers were killed, including the Defence Force Commander Fan Wumu son. By Fan Wumu saying that the Netherlands has made these years,

However, this military action in the Netherlands, China and unpopular. NATO's previous request for extension of 1 year in the Dutch period, was rejected. This year in February, the Dutch government coalition because of the extension of the in-house of

Afghan President Hamid Karzai also expressed gratitude to the Dutch soldiers and other personnel



the withdrawal of the Netherlands, the Taliban in Afghanistan to The militants also called on other foreign troops, the Dutch

after the Netherlands, Canada is prepared to withdraw in 2011, all 2,800 soldiers in Afghanistan. Britain and the United States said earlier, will withdraw in 2011. The political situation in Afghanistan, analysts halon Mill said:

Mill believes that the rise of the Taliban forces in some regions, linking the withdrawal of foreign troops, the security situation may cause for concern. Withdrawal on the same day in the Netherlands, the southern Kandahar province of Afghanistan, a step 10000 Germany roadside bomb explosion occurred, resulting in six Afghan civilians were killed and nine injured.

(This article Source: The Beijing News)

