
Another section of the video

Recently, a Holocaust survivor and his family outside the Auschwitz concentration camp in Poland sparked controversy dancing video. 15 survivors of the video that they honor the dead in this way is appropriate, but some saw the video of people think that dancing is not too serious and do not respect the dead.

Put disco music, singing and dancing

89-year-old Polish old Adeleke Cohen and his wife have been living in the Auschwitz concentration camp, fortunately they were later rescued. Recently, Cohen and his daughter and three granddaughters, visited the massacre of countless innocent people during World War II Auschwitz concentration camp and some other Holocaust sites. Visit, Cohen and the children sang, danced and expressed commemorate the dead. Cohen will also be dancing the final sections of the video sent to the line, immediately aroused hot.

In which section of the video wearing a printed with "Survivor" and V-sign T-shirts in front of the old Cohen, "lead dancer," her daughter and granddaughter who followed him jump.

Another section of the video, Cohen hands in the air, directing the side of the family dance and sing and sing the black American singer Gluoli's song, "I will survive", but the live version played is disco.

Been approved does not respect the dead

Cohen himself said, "We are climbing out from the pile of dead, so now we want to dance to celebrate." However, many users a message, denounced Cohen's practice is not serious, and can not demonstrate respect for the dead. 15, Cohen said in an interview to respond to criticism, "Why did I do this thing? Is because I and my granddaughter came to here. Can come together with their granddaughter, who, most of has died. I took my granddaughter came to Auschwitz means to the continuation of life to a new generation. "

The irony is that Cohen to honor the dead against violence in video, by the German neo-Nazi organizations use, publish their own Web site. (Zhang Le Beijing News)


