
college classmate and six-year-old wife and two daughters

BEIJING, July 17, according to Xinhua, \Congress agreed to the nomination hearings. He, if the Senate agreed to the appointment, will become the seventh federal appeals court area (Wisconsin, Illinois, Indiana) is the first Asian American federal judge.

hearing chairman of the Judiciary Committee, Senate Democratic party whip Dick Durbin (Dick Durbin, Illinois), personally introduced Zhang Yimin.

Zhang Yimin's mother, brother, college classmate and six-year-old wife and two daughters, were all present participants. Zhang Yimin in the hearing to thank the parents for their sacrifice and cultivation, and that father was in Taiwan, not to attend the ceremony.


Zhang Yimin is currently the Assistant U.S. Attorney Northern Illinois, he helped deal with well-known former governor of Illinois Bulagewei District (Rod Blagojevich) and Selling big scandal. In 1999 he was appointed to the post. Zhang Yimin, and civil rights law professor at Northwestern University program.

Zhang Yimin parents in the 1960s by the great Nanyi China Taiwan to undertake graduate study after graduation moved to New York. Zhang Yimin was born in New York in 1970. Zhang Yimin top student in New York, Bronx Science High School, and selling donuts, and other goods in a department store half-point half-way work time to complete high school, college and school at Northwestern University School of Law.

learned that Zhang Yimin well as a federal judge is expected to cross the border. (Lin Baoqing)

