
Director Wu Huiping economic

BEIJING, July 19 Xinhua News Overseas Chinese Affairs Office, Wuxi City, recently, Argentina and China Culture and Arts Association, Wang Yongxing, A Cultural Business Club Executive Chairman Liu Qian, Spain Restaurant Association chairman Yu Daohua visit Wuxi. Municipal Overseas Chinese Affairs Office Deputy Director Zhang Da, Director Wu Huiping economic, technological and other community leaders warmly welcomed to visit.

Zhang's visit up to the three community leaders welcomed and introduced the economic and social development in Wuxi. He said that Wuxi is rich in cultural history and rich natural resources, currently, is striving to adjust and optimize industrial structure, vigorously develop the Internet of things, software, service outsourcing, animation,the mid in the league, integrated circuits, photovoltaic and other knowledge-intensive, technology-intensive industry. He stressed that the Overseas Chinese Affairs of Overseas Chinese is the \

visiting community leaders are very optimistic that investment in Wuxi, entrepreneurial environment, investment projects in previous years has been made in the tin a good development, to the tin this study to further look for new investment projects. Also said, will further strengthen exchanges with the Wuxi Municipal Overseas Chinese Affairs, communication, and promotion overseas of Wuxi, the Chamber of Commerce to promote more community leaders and high-level talent to go to Wuxi venture.

