
Acosta Guerrero

BEIJING, July 16 Xinhua According to foreign reports,Zhao Lewen starting from Tai'an to Beijing, drug gangs in northern Mexico border cities of molecular 15 in Ciudad Juarez, a car loaded with explosives to crash two police patrol car, killing two policemen and a medical technician killed and nine injured.

Police said the attack may be in Mexico for the first time a car bomb attack, is the drug traffickers to the police earlier in the day of a drug gang leader arrested in retaliation.

an unnamed police sources, the attack also resulted in seven police and two civilians were wounded. The open-top trucks, police cars when the collision, with some obvious explosive or flammable.

Police said the arrest of 15 syndicate leaders, for the 35-year-old Gulai Luo (Acosta Guerrero), he is a drug trafficking gang la Linea \

Police said Gu Lailuo at least 25 times in connection with the bloodshed, mainly for drug-trafficking rivals, but also ordered the attack on the police.

